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New to St. Andrew's?

Whether you've moved to the area and it's your first time visiting us, you've been away for a while and are looking to return, or you've simply never visited a church and would like to start, attending can seem a little daunting. You'll likely have lots of questions and we'll try to answer the most common ones here.

The main thing to say from the off is that there is no judgement at St. Andrew's. We are all equal in the Lord's eyes and everybody will be accepted, no matter your age, race or personal circumstances.

We also recognise that not everybody wants to get into conversations, and are more comfortable to worship and reflect in their own private way. This will also be respcted.

What happens when I arrive?

Sunday services typically begin at 10am, and visitors should try to arrive at least 5 minutes early to ensure they are comfortable and have what they need before the service starts. You'll be welcomed by one of our church wardens, who can guide you to a seat and provide you with the day's order of service.

What should I wear?

There is no need to be overly formal when attending St. Andrew's. However, it is suggested that conservative clothing should be worn to respect the institution.

  • For men, trousers with shoes or clean trainers is the safe option, complimented with a jumper, shirt, polo or smart t-shirt
  • For ladies, trousers or dresses are absolutely fine. Tops that cover the shoulders are also a wise choice. Footwear covering the toes is also suggested

Do I have to take Communion?

Not if you don't want to. During Communion the congregation will walk to the front of the church together and accept the body and blood of Christ. For those that haven't been Confirmed, they have the option of receiving a blessing from the Reverend. Simply walk to the front with everybody else, keep your head bowed and your hands behind your back, signalling your intention, and the Reverend will say a few words.

If you're unsure of what to do, please feel free to ask and somebody will assist.

If you're unsure about whether you've been Christened or Confirmed, please reach out to Greville on the below contact details.

Do I have to make a donation?

Completely up to you. Donations can be made either at the beginning or end of the service using the card reader located by the entrance. Alternatively, you may choose to make a donation during the service, when one of our church wardens will walk down the aisle with a collection basket.

There is no "standard" or "expected" amount of a donation. Personal circumstances will vary and each of us are free to donate what we choose.

Any donations received will go towards the running of St. Andrew's, including the grounds and various community groups that we run.

I don't know the words to the hymns

No problem. There's always a hymn book nearby which you can pick up and use to join in. The louder the better! Don't worry if you don't know the tune, the congregation don't always get it right either. As long as you feel the Lord's presence in your voice then you're good to go.

You should also feel no obligation to join in with the hymns. You can remain silent if that is your personal preference.

What is the Order of Service?

There are various elements to a typical church service, which will be interspersed with hymns throughout. This will include:

  • The Gathering - a welcome from the Reverend to the congregation
  • The Confession - a reminder that nobody is perfect, and an opportunity to repent as one for any sins committed
  • The Collect - a few words from the Reverend focusing on a particular theme for the day
  • The Liturgy of the Word - a member of the congregation will read some passages from the Holy Bible
  • The Sermon - the Reverend will then give their sermon to the congregation, reminding us of God's word and how we can apply this to our day-to-day lives
  • The Creed - this is a confession of the Christian faith, which has been repeated for generations, and goes back to the writings of Paul the Apostle
  • The Prayers of Intercession - these prayers, usually led by a member of the congregation, are where we have the opportunity to pray for those around the world who may be suffering in any way, or for those that may have passed this life
  • The Peace - this gives us the opportunity to offer one another the sign of Peace. Churches tend to do this their own way but at St. Andrew's we prefer the traditional handshake. As with anything you may decide this part isn't for you. If that's the case you may remain seated, that's absolutely fine
  • The Preparation of the Table - the Reverend will prepare the table for the giving of Communion.
  • The Lord's Prayer - many of us will know this off by heart but if not, no problem, it's all written down
  • Communion - at this stage the congregation will walk to the front to receive the body and blood of Christ. Please note that this is reserved for those that have been Confirmed. However, those that haven't may still receive a blessing. Simply walk to the front with everybody else, bow your head with your hands behind your back, and the Reverend will say a few words. Alternatively, if you'd prefer to remain seated and not partake, this is also absolutely fine.
  • The Blessing and Dismissal - a final prayer is given by the Reverend, followed by a joyous hymn

After the service there are drinks and snacks available to all, and a great opportunity for the congregation to catch-up with each other or for new members to introduce themselves.

Hope to see you soon

Our aim is to make everybody feel comfortable and welcomed, and we hope that we have given you the information and confidence you were looking for. If you have any further questions though, please feel free to reach out to Greville using the below details.

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