

When somebody you love dies it can be a very challenging time, dealing with their affairs and arranging for them to pass on to the next life according to their wishes.

That's why we're here to assist you in making the process as comforting as possible. To see how St. Andrew's can help, please contact Reverend Greville Thomas using the below details, or by visiting a Sunday morning church service.

If you are planning to attend in person, please let us know so that we can ensure you are given the time you deserve during this difficult time.


You can visit the Church of England website to find answers to some of the more common questions around funerals in general.

Thinking about your own funeral

Funerals can be on our minds for all sorts of reasons. If you’re thinking about arranging your own funeral service plan, you can visit the Church of England website to discover how that can be done, and how it can really help your family when the time comes.

Alternatively, if you're arranging a funeral for yourself or a loved one at St. Andrew's you can contact Rev'd Greville Thomas.


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